A critical aspect to understanding history is to understand the geography in play. And I chose an auditory method of communication. Great.
The good news though is that you have found the Map Page! Down below are a collection of maps that connect to the story of Timur. I will be adding to this page as I come across additional maps. No promises though. The copyright realm is full of landmines.
Map #1: The Mongol Empire with successor states outlined and conquest paths shown.

Map #2: Here’s another much simpler map showing the Mongol Empire at it’s greatest extent. Credit: Ali Zifan

Map #3: A simple map of the first Khanate we talked about: The Yuan Dynasty. Credit: Arab Hafez

Map #4: The Second Khanate we discussed: The Golden Horde. Credit.

Map #5: The Third Khanate: The Ilkhanate. Credit: Arab Hafez

Map #6: Here’s a map of the Middle East directly following the collapse of the Ilkhanate. Remember this set up. This is the political situation at the time of Timur. Credit: Ro4444

Map #7: The 4th Khanate we discussed: The Chagatai Khanate. See that city called Samarkand? Remember that. It’s going to be kinda important to Timur’s story. Credit: MapMaster

Map #8: With the split of the Chagatai Khanate in the 1340s, the eastern half became known as Moghulistan. Here’s Moghulistan in about 1372. Credit

Map #9: The Timurid Empire at it’s height (without client/subject kingdoms). Credit: Arab Hafez

Map #10: A simple map of Timur’s Empire that includes campaign gains against the Ottomans, the Golden Horde, and the Sultanate of Delhi. Credit