About the Show

Timur, Temour, Timur the Lame, Tamerlane, Tamburlaine, Temujin.

These are just a few of the many names that Amir Timur is called. But regardless of his name, the world remembers Timur for being one of the most brutal conquerors in history. From about 1370 – 1405 CE Timur forged an empire stretching from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to India in the east, from Arabia in the south to the steppes of Rusia in the north. None could stand before him as he sacked city after city, slaughtered the inhabitants, and carried their riches back to his capital of Samarkand.

Then he died.

At least, that’s a very brief summary of who this man was. But the complexities of his life and actions become more complicated the more you examine them. Very soon you find yourself swimming amongst conflicting accounts, medieval propaganda, and intricate stories that seemingly never get told.

Timur is complicated to understand but I want to understand him.

Or, more precisely, I want to know who Timur was, what he did, why he did it, and why does it matter?

So that leads to this podcast. This podcast chronologically examines the life of Timur and engages with the material in a thorough, entertaining and memorable way. The Timur Podcast will release October 31, 2019. From then on, a new episode will be released every Thursday.

I hope you join me on this journey!

If you enjoy the show and want to help out, here is what you can do!

First, reach out to me! Send me an email or message and tell me what you like/dislike/want/or questions you might have. I would love to hear from you and will definitely respond!

Secondly, tell your friends! What better way to start a conversation/blossom a new friendship/rock that first date then by bringing up a 14th Century Warlord who brutally terrorized the entire Middle East? It’s a time-proven tactic.