Hello! This is a simple search map that I made for finding history podcasts by way of geographical topic. I would like to give a HUGE thanks to HistoryPodList for doing all the hard work and compiling most of these shows in the first place. Please check them out on twitter and reddit for a comprehensive index of history podcasts.
Please keep in mind that I have taken great liberty in the geographical location of many of these shows. If you have any questions, complaints, or would like to alert me to another show, reach out to me! Email me at timurpodcast@gmail.com.
Finally, I hope to keep improving the map by adding additional shows, links, and info as time goes on. So this is by no means the finished project.
Thanks for visiting and please enjoy! 🙂
I have also included my first version of the history podcasts map down below in case you prefer that one:

The Shows (in a loose alphabetical order):
1) Africa Past and Present
2) Age of Napoleon
3) Age of Victoria
4) Ancient Greece Declassified
5) History of Ancient Greece
6) The Ancient World
7)Arab Spring: A History
8) Battles of World War One
9) The History of the Bible Podcast
10) The British History Podcast
11) The Bulgarian History Podcast
12) The History of Byzantium
13) Can’t make this up History Podcast (For map placement, check out the episode: Hitler’s Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich with Eric Kurlander)
14) The History Chicks (For map placement, check out Ep. 22 Katherine of Aragon)
15) The History of China Podcast
16) The History of Christianity Podcast
17) Cold War Conversations
18) The History of the Cold War Podcast
19) The History of the Copts Podcast
20) History of the Crusades
21) Cutting Class Podcast (For map placement, check out episode 11: Vlad the Impaler)
22) Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History (Check out Blueprint for Armageddon)
23) Dead Ideas Podcast (For map placement, check out the Berserkers Series)
24) History of Denmark Podcast
25) Dirty History Podcast (Check out the Wolf Children of Germany)
26) Early Stuart England
27) Eastern Border
28) Echoes of India
29) History of Egypt Podcast
30) Emperors of Rome Podcast
31) The History of England Podcast
32) The History of English Podcast
33) A History of Europe, Key Battles (For placement, check out 45.5 Battle of Lepanto)
34) The Explorers Podcast
35) Fall of Civilizations (The Bronze Age Collapse is an intriguing episode)
36) The Fall of Rome Podcast
37) The Forgotten History Podcast (Starts of strong with Episode 1 The Cretan War)
38) The French History Podcast
39) History of Germany Podcast
40) *Deleted*
41) The Great Crime: A Podcast History of the Armenian Genocide
42) Hellenistic Age Podcast
43) History on Fire (Check out Joan of Arc)
44) Human Circus Podcast (Currently covering Salah ad-Din)
45) A History of the Inca
46) The History of India Podcast
47) Inward Empire (For Placement, see Sword of the Wilderness)
48) Irish History Podcast
49) The Islamic History Podcast
50) A History of Italy
51) The Maritime History Podcast
52) Medieval Death Trip (Check out ep. 72 An Icelandic Vision of the Afterlife)
53) The History of the Modern Middle East
54) Mongol History Podcast
55) History of the Netherlands
56) Norman Centuries
57) Ottoman History Podcast
58) Our Fake History (Check out the Trojan War Series)
59) The History of the Papacy
60) Pax Britannica
61) History of Persia Podcast
62) History of Philosophy Podcast
63) Philosophize this!
64) Pirate History Podcast
65) The History of Poland
66) Pontifacts
67) Queens of England Podcast
68) Queens Podcast (Check out the episode on Elisabeth of Austria)
69) Random History of Belgium
70) Revolutions (See episodes on theRussian revolution/Beginning of Marxism)
71) Roman Emperors Totals Rankium
72) The History of Rome
73)The Russian History Podcast
74) Russian Rulers History Podcast
75) The Siecle History Podcast
76) The Silk Roads History Podcast
77) History of Southeast Asia Podcast
78) The History of Spain Podcast
79) Stuff you Missed in History Class (Check out Hatshepsut and the Expeditions to Punt)
80) Talking History: The Italian Unification
81) The Timur Podcast
82) The Viking Age Podcast
83) The History of the Vikings Podcast
84) Welsh History Podcast
85) When Diplomacy Fails (30 Years War coming October!)
86) The History of Witchcraft Podcast (Check out ep. 42 Witchcraft in Russia)
87) Wittenberg to Westphalia: Wars of the Reformation
88) Wonders of the World (Begins with the pyramids)
89) World War I Podcast
90) The Saga of World War 2: a Casus Belli Project
91) History of Yugoslavia Podcast